Friday 10 October 2008


I'm aNgeL's RoCkiN' cLeaR hoLdEr~
filled with many arts...

blah blah blah~~~

I so dunno what am I doing this afternoon at school
I took this pic and straightly say "I'll post it on my blog"
but dunno what to say

anyway, this is my clear holder
it filled with my drawings and some gazette photos (cassis set)
and the pic is kinda blurry
coz the holder made it that way~
oh and the front cover was drawn by me on November 2007
it had been a year
but I already have this from October 2006 if I'm not mistaken

it contains 60 clear plastic holder inside
which mean I must have at least 120 picture to fill it till full
now almost half way done~
I must ganbateh!!!!!
fight oooh!!!!!

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